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Intellectual Property


In these Terms and Conditions, the term "Proprietary Content" means:
• the App; 

• all of its content (including all of the text, graphics, designs, software, data, sound and  video files and other information contained in this site, and the selection and  arrangement thereof); and 

• all software, systems and other information owned or used by the Company in  connection with the services offered through this site (whether hosted on the same  server as this site or otherwise). 

All Proprietary Content is the property of the Company or its licensors (as applicable) and is  protected by Australian and international copyright laws. You must not reproduce, transmit,  republish or prepare derivative works from any of the Proprietary Content, except as  expressly authorised by these Terms and Conditions or with the prior written consent of the  Company or other copyright owner (as applicable). 

The look and feel of the App (including all button icons, scripts, custom graphics and  headers) are the trademarks, service marks and/or trade dress of the Company.
These trademarks, service marks and trade dress may not be used, copied or imitated, in whole or  in part, without the prior written consent of the Company. 

User Content 

In these Terms and Conditions, the term "User Content" means any and all content that is  submitted, posted or otherwise added to the App by any user, such as comments, forum  posts, chat room messages, reviews, ratings and feedback. 

The App contains some features that enable you and other users to upload User Content.  The Company reserves the right to display, refuse to display, remove and/or amend all or  any part of any User Content at its absolute discretion. In respect of any User Content that  you upload, you: 

• represent and warranty to the Company that your sharing of that User Content does  not infringe any copyright or other legal right of any other person; and 

• grant to the Company a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable,  sub-licensable and transferable license to use, reproduce, distribute, modify, adapt,  prepare derivative works of, publicly display, publicly perform and otherwise exploit all  or any part of that User Content in any way at the Company’s absolute discretion. 






• 应用程序;

• 其所有内容(包括本网站中包含的所有文本、图形、设计、软件、数据、声音和视频文件和其他信息,以及它们的选择和安排);和

• 公司拥有或使用的与通过本网站提供的服务相关的所有软件、系统和其他信息(无论是否托管在与本网站相同的服务器上)。






• 向公司声明并保证您分享该用户内容不会侵犯任何其他人的任何版权或其他合法权利;和

• 授予公司在全球范围内使用、复制、分发、修改、改编、准备衍生作品、公开展示、公开表演和以其他方式利用的全球性、非排他性、免版税、永久、不可撤销、可再许可和可转让的许可公司绝对酌情决定以任何方式对该用户内容的全部或任何部分。

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