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Terms and Conditions

These Terms and Conditions are for the application (“the App”), owned and operated by M1M Media Pty Ltd trading as "91UBER" (ABN 68 648 123 639) ("we", "us" or the "Company"), available for download at and includes all of the files, data, code, software, and information therein.

Agreement to these Terms and Conditions 

By using the App, you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. These Terms and  Conditions constitute a binding agreement between you and the Company and govern your  use of the App. If you do not agree to any of these Terms and Conditions you must not use the App. 

Legal capacity to transact 

If you are under 18 years of age, you cannot use the App. By using the App you represent  and warrant to the Company that you are over the age of 18 years and legally capable of  accepting these Terms and Conditions. 


The App is a mobile platform for introducing adults (“Users”) to one another for the purpose  of companionship, who may but not necessarily, subsequent to that introduction, in their  absolute discretion, seek or offer sexual services.  


Users of the App have the choice of registering as a Service Provider or as a Client.  

Service Providers are able to advertise companionship, and do so via registering for a  personal profile, which may include personal photos, interests, physical attributes, descriptions, location, and other particulars which may be amended or made available from  time to time (“Profile”). 

Clients are able to seek companionship and do so by registering on the App for an account.  They may then make bookings for face-to-face introductions with Service Providers by  finding their Profiles. They may find these Profiles via a search or filter function which may  identify common interests, Service Providers within their geographic proximity, and other  particulars which may be amended or made available from time to time.

Company not a Party to transactions 

The App is a service for introducing Users to one another. Subsequent to such an  introduction, Users may but not necessarily, in their absolute discretion, seek or offer sex work. You agree that transactions, contracts, agreements, arrangements, or any other  binding obligations for sex work or any other kind of work cannot be formed over the App. 

You agree that the Company is not a party to any transactions occurring between Users  whatsoever. Any arrangement that may be made between Users is wholly outside of the  Company’s control, influence, or interest. The Company has no way of knowing whether  Users will agree to engage in transactions, what the circumstances of such might be, the conduct of the Users in arranging, facilitating, or engaging in such transactions, and whether  such transactions were carried out. 

Consent and sex work 

Most importantly, you agree that absolutely no arrangement, under any circumstances, creates any obligation on another person to perform sex work. Consent is paramount and  you must ensure that full and informed consent is given and remains in place at all times. 

Neither the Company nor the App encourage any person to seek or engage in sex work. We  strongly encourage any person seeking out, engaging in, or wanting information about sex  work to refer to resources and materials provided by sex work organisations including but not limited to: 

• Scarlet Alliance – 

• Red Files – 

• RhED – 

• Sex Workers’ Outreach Project – 

Modern slavery and sex trafficking prohibition 

You must not engage in any conduct which would violate any national or international law  regarding slavery or human trafficking. You must notify the Company as soon as possible if  you become aware of or suspect any slavery or human trafficking that has any connection  whatsoever with the App. If you are a victim of sex trafficking or know someone who is, you  must contact the Australian Federal Police by phone on 131 247 or email the NOSCC on 

Signs a person may be a victim of sex trafficking and modern slavery include: 

• The person appears to be servicing a large debt to their employer or third party; • The person does not possess a passport or travel/identity documents, which are  held by their employer or a third party, and the person is unable to access these  documents when they wish to do so; 

• The person does not have or does not understand their labour or employment  contract/agreement; 

• The person is unable to terminate their employment at any time; 

• The person rarely or never leaves their accommodation for non-work reasons; • The person is living at their place of work or another place owned or controlled by  their employer; or 

• The person works excessively long hours and have few, if any, days off.


Users’ responsibility for legal compliance 

The responsibility for engaging in sex work, and complying with the relevant laws and  regulations thereof, rests solely on the Users. Users warrant that they are fully compliant with  the laws and regulations in their jurisdiction which are in any way applicable to using this  App, including but not limited to:

• Not engaging in work if doing so would be in breach of your right to work or condition  of your Australian visa; 

• Registration with local authorities, if applicable; 

• Advertising requirements, if applicable; and  

• Not engaging in sex work, if applicable. 

Please note that laws and regulations regarding sex work are issued by State Governments.  What is legal in one State may not be legal in another. Please ensure you understand and  comply with your local laws and regulations. 

Conditions of use – Service Providers 

In this subsection, (“You”) refers to Service Providers. 

Confirmation of Identity 

You must provide to the Company, upon registering for the App, an identity document which  would be acceptable to Australian authorities for identity purposes. This may include: 

• An Australian or international passport; 

• An Australian Driver’s License or Learner’s Permit; 

• A foreign Driver’s License if in the English language; 

• A Marine License from your state; 

• A Keypass card or other acceptable Proof of Age card. 

This identity document must prove you are at least 18 years of age and your name must be  clearly stated on the identity document. 


Ownership of content 

You retain ownership of all intellectual property belonging to you which you upload to your  Profile, including images. 

You are aware of and agree that the Company cannot prevent your images from being  downloaded, saved, manipulated or otherwise retained and/or tampered with by users and/or  third parties. If you believe that your intellectual property is being used maliciously on the  App, please get in touch with us by email at and we will endeavour to  remove such content as soon as is reasonably possible. 

You grant users a non-exclusive license to access and view the content you upload to your  Profile.  

You grant the Company a licensable, transferable, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive,  worldwide license to use, reproduce, publish, edit, translate, distribute, publicly display, and  make derivative works of all content on your Profile, including images, for use in connection  with the App, including without limitation for promoting and redistributing part or all of the App  and related products in any media formats through any media channels. 

No employment relationship 

No part of these Terms and Conditions should be construed as creating an employment  relationship between you and the Company. You understand and agree that you are not an  employee the of Company. You may use the services of the App to promote companionship services at no charge to you. You are a self-employed individual and may conduct your own  business as you see fit, including but not limited to: 

• when, where and whether you choose to the App to promote your companionship  services; 

• offering companionship services or engage in any service, occupation, business, or  employment as you see fit at any time, including competitor businesses, including  while using the App; 

• accepting or rejecting any invitations for an introduction from a Client at your  absolute discretion and without consequence; 

• choosing to cancel introductions as you see fit without consequence if the  cancellation occurs later than 1 hour from the planned introduction time; • choosing to cancel introductions at any time, including within 1 hour of the planned  introduction time, with no consequences excepting a loss of $50 from your deposit  (see “Deposit” below); 

• your responsibility to organise your own taxation and insurance arrangements; • your responsibility to provide your own equipment, such as transportation and a  mobile phone; 

• your responsibility to ensure you hold the relevant registration and/or licensing  applicable in your jurisdiction. 


Upon registering an account on the App, you will be required to deposit $100 prior to being  able to publish your Profile for public view on the App. Any funds remaining in your Deposit will be refunded to you upon deregistering your account. If your Deposit balance falls below  $100, you will be unable to access certain features of the App. 

You agree that the Company may debit $50 against your Deposit if you cancel an  introduction within 1 hour of the agreed-upon introduction time, or if you fail to provide your  specific address for introductions within 15 minutes of the agreed-upon introduction time.  There is no charge applicable if you cancel outside this timeframe. There is no other  circumstance in which your Deposit will be debited.  

Conditions of use – Clients 

In this subsection, (“You”) refers to Clients. 

Malicious activity 

You must not abuse, harass, stalk, threaten, or otherwise violate the legal rights and/or  safety of another person. 

Confirmation of Identity 

You must show to the Service Provider, upon a face-to-face introduction, an identity  document belonging to you which would be acceptable to Australian authorities for identity  purposes. This may include: 

• An Australian or international passport; 

• An Australian Driver’s License or Learner’s Permit; 

• A foreign Driver’s License if in the English language;

• A marine License from your state; 

• A Keypass card. 

This identity document must prove you are at least 18 years of age and your name must be  clearly stated on the identity document.  

Maintenance Fee 

You agree to pay the Company a fee for the ongoing maintenance and operation of the App (“Maintenance Fee”), calculated at a percentage of the fee set by the Service Provider for  introductions (“Introductions Fee”). This fee is payable in respect of an introduction only, and  not in the pursuit of any goods or services, sexual or otherwise, provided by the Service  Provider. 

Restrictions on use – Clients and Service Providers 


You must not display, incorporate or otherwise use any photos, information, or content on  your Profile or anywhere in the App which: 

• you do not own; 

• impersonates another person or falsifies attributes; 

• is misleading as to your identity or attributes, including photos that are out of date or  inaccurate; 

• is illegal, or would cause you or the App to breach any law or regulation; • could be considered offensive, obscene, disparaging, defamatory, threatening,  abusive, discriminatory, confidential, or in any way inappropriate in the opinion and  sole discretion of the Company; 

• is unauthorised advertising, including the promotion of pyramid schemes,  cryptocurrencies, chain letters, commercial messages, referral links, or other similar  schemes or promotional material;  

• infringes intellectual property or the rights of any person; or 

• if you intend to offer sex work after being introduced to a client, does not comply with  local sex work advertising regulations. 

If you believe any content, images or behaviour infringes upon these restrictions, please  email and we will endeavour to review such content as soon as is  reasonably possible. The Company reserves the right to edit and/or remove any content for  any reason whatsoever at its sole discretion. 

Prohibited conduct 

You must not: 

• use any device, routine or software that interferes, or attempt to interfere, with the  proper working of the App; 

• engage in any action that requires, or may require, an unreasonable or excessively  large load on our infrastructure; 

• use the App to decipher passwords or security encryption codes, transmit any worms,  viruses or Trojan horses, transfer or store illegal, threatening or obscene material or  otherwise violate the security of any computer network;

• use the App to violate any applicable local, state, national or international law, to  engage in any misleading or deceptive online marketing practices or for any  fraudulent or malicious purposes; 

• use any spider, robot or search/retrieval application or any screen scraping, data  mining or similar data gathering device, process, program or means to access,  retrieve or index any portion of the App; 

• use the App by any automated means; 

• use the App to transmit junk mail, spam or chain letters or pyramid schemes or  engage in other flooding techniques or mass distribution of unsolicited email;  • access, retrieve or index any portion of the App for use in constructing or populating  any database that is searchable online or for the purpose of soliciting or sharing  reviews; 

• interfere with the display of any advertisements appearing on or in connection with  the App; 

• reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, adapt, modify, translate, frame or reformat  any of the material contained on the App; 

• reproduce, duplicate, copy or store any of the material appearing on the App other  than for your own personal and non-commercial use; 

• falsely imply that any other website is associated with the App; 

• do anything that leads, or may lead, to a decrease in the value of the Company's  intellectual property rights in the App; 

• use or exploit any of the material appearing on the App for, or in connection with, any  business or enterprise (whether for profit or otherwise), including any business or  enterprise that is in competition with the App; 

• release to the public any news release, advertising material, promotional material or  any other form of publicity or information relating to the Company without the  Company's prior written consent; or 

• use the App to transmit any information or material that is, or may reasonably be  considered to be: 

− abusive, threatening, harassing, harmful, obscene, indecent, lewd, inflammatory,  violent, vulgar, profane, racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable or offensive in  any way; 

− libellous, defamatory, unlawful or plagiarised; 

− infringing upon or violating any copyright, trademark, patent or other intellectual  property or proprietary right; 

− in breach of any duty of confidentiality by which you are bound, whether by way of a  fiduciary or contractual relationship; 

− in breach of any person’s privacy or publicity rights; 

− a misrepresentation of facts, including the impersonation of any person or entity or a  misrepresentation of an affiliation with any person or entity (including any sponsorship  or endorsement); 

− in violation of any applicable law, statute, ordinance or regulation, or encouraging of  others to do so; 

− containing any political campaigning material, advertisements or solicitations; or − likely to bring the Company or any of its staff into disrepute.

Prohibited locations - Queensland 

This App must not be used by residents in Queensland. By using the App, you warrant to the  Company that you are not located in Queensland or intending to use any services provided  by the App in Queensland. 

Violations of these Terms and Conditions 

Without limiting any other remedies available to the Company at law or in equity, the  Company reserves the right to, without notice: 

• temporarily or indefinitely suspend, or terminate, your access to the App if: 

− you breach any provision of these Terms and Conditions; 

− the Company is unable to verify or authenticate any information that you provide to  us; or 

− the Company believes that your actions may cause damage and/or legal liability to  the Company, any of its users or any other person; and 

• remove or block access to any information and/or materials (in whole or in part) that  the Company, at its sole and absolute discretion, regards in any way to be  objectionable or in violation of any applicable law, any person's intellectual property  rights or these Terms and Conditions. 


You indemnify and hold harmless the Company and its officers, employees, agents,  consultants, licensors, partners and affiliates from and against any losses, liabilities, costs,  expenses or damages (including actual, special, indirect and consequential losses or  damages of every kind and nature, including all legal fees on a solicitor-client basis) suffered  or incurred by any of them due to, arising out of, or in any way related to (directly or  indirectly): 

• any material or information that you submit, post, transmit or otherwise make  available through the App; 

• your use of, or connection to, the App; or 

• your negligence or misconduct, breach of these Terms and Conditions or violation of  any law or the rights of any person. 

Registration and account security 

Requirement for registration 

The Company reserves the right to make any parts of the App accessible only to users who  have registered. 

Username and password 

Upon registration with the App, you will be issued with a username and password to access  your account. You are responsible for maintaining the security of your password for the App.  The Company will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from or in connection with your  failure to comply with this security obligation. You agree that the Company will be entitled to  assume that any person using this App with your username and password is you. 


You may not, under any circumstances, allow others to use or access your account.

You must notify the Company immediately of any known or suspected unauthorised use of  any password or any other breach of security. 


User information 

In order to register an account with this App, you must agree to these Terms and Conditions and provide the Company with: 

• a valid email address; 

• accurate billing and contact information; and 

• any other information that may be required by the Company during the registration  process. 

You must promptly update this information to maintain its accuracy at all times.  

You represent and warrant to the Company that all information provided to the Company by  you is true and not misleading and does not violate any applicable law or regulation or any  person's intellectual property or other rights. 

Multiple accounts and automated account opening 

One person may not maintain more than one account with this App. Accounts registered by  "bots" or other automated methods are not permitted. 

Approval of registrations 

The Company reserves the right to accept or reject any application for registration of an  account with this App at its discretion. 

Introduction Process 


Service Providers are able to, provided they have a Deposit balance of at least AUD  $100.00, schedule an online period on the App when their Profiles will be publicly available. On their Profile, Service Providers are able to display the prices they charge for an  Introduction (“Introduction Fee”). 

Requests for Introductions 

Clients will be able to book introductions with Service Providers whose Profiles are visible on  the App. Upon a Client making a request for an introduction (“request”), a notification will  appear for the Service Provider. This notification will display the basic details of the request,  including the name of the Client, the client’s rating, and the proposed time. The Service  Provider may accept or reject this request without consequences.  

Booking Introductions 

If the Service Provider accepts a request, it then becomes a booking. Bookings confirm the  time and location of an introduction. In addition, a chat dialogue may be opened between the  Client and the Service Provider for additional booking information. 


Service Providers can establish on their Profile whether they will meet Clients at a location of  the Service Provider’s choosing (“incall”) or at the Client’s choosing (“outcall”). 

Maintenance Fees and Deposit Freeze

Upon a booking being made, a Maintenance Fee will be debited from the Client’s account,  equal to 10% of the Introduction Fee. Simultaneously, a freeze will be placed on $50 from the  Deposit of the Service Provider.  

Outcall Fees – additional charge 

If the booking is for an outcall, an additional 10% Outcall Fee will be charged and credited  towards the Service Provider’s Introduction Fee.  

Incall Arrival 

Service Provider safety is important to us, and therefore on incall bookings no address will be  displayed until necessary. Instead, the Client is sent an approximate location. Upon arriving  at the approximate location, the Client presses the “I have arrived” button on the App, which  sends a notification to the Service Provider requesting the precise address for the incall. The  Service Provider may then click the “Confirm” button to send the precise address. If the  Service Provider fails to send the precise location within 15 minutes, the booking will be  deemed to have been cancelled by the Service Provider. 


A Service Provider may cancel a booking at any time. There are no consequences if this  occurs with at least 1 hours’ notice. If a Service Provider cancels a booking within 1 hour of  the booking time, $50 will be debited from the Deposit of the Service Provider.  

In the event of a cancellation, the Introduction Fee will be refunded in full to the Client.  

Dealings with Users 

Client Ratings 

After an introduction, Service Providers may submit a rating for the Client. This rating is  private and will only be displayed to other Service Providers when a Client is initiating a  request. This allows Service Providers to make better decisions about those to whom they  wish to be introduced. 

Service Providers must submit ratings in good faith. The Company does not warrant or verify  such ratings.  

Content supplied by Users 

This App allows Users, who are third parties unaffiliated with the App or the Company, to  advertise and to upload information and other content directly to this App for other Users to  access. We do not act as agent for any Users and we take no responsibility, and assume no  liability, for: 

• any such content that is, or may reasonably be considered to be, abusive, harassing,  harmful, obscene, indecent, inflammatory, violent, profane, racially, ethnically or  otherwise objectionable, libellous, defamatory, deceptive, unlawful or plagiarised; 

• any of the information supplied by Users (including opinions, ideas, suggestions,  comments, observations, text, photographs, videos, data, music, sounds, chat  messages, files or any other material); and/or 

• any loss or damage that results from any dealings that you may have with other  Users.

Third party services 

We do not recommend or endorse any Users that are listed, advertised or referred to on the  App or the content of their Profiles. We are not responsible for the content of Users and we  do not make any representations, or provide any guarantees or warranties, regarding the  content or accuracy of any representations made. 

User acknowledgements 

You acknowledge that the Company does not: 

• check the truth or currency of any of the material or information that Users provide or  make available through the App; 

• control, endorse, approve or warrant to you the merchantability or fitness for any  particular purpose of any of the goods or services of any Users referred to on the  App; 

• endorse or recommend any Users, including where details of the relevant User are  provided by the Company to you or otherwise become known to you through the App. 

Role of the Company 

The relevant User, and not the Company, is: 

• the supplier of companionship services, or compensation for companionship services;  and 

• solely responsible for supplying you with those services and for those services  themselves. 

We do not act as agent for any Users and we make no representation or warranty, and  provide no guarantee, that another User will provide you with the services that you offer to  purchase through this App, or that those services will meet your expectations. You should  satisfy yourself through your own enquiries as to the quality or suitability of any other User listed on this App. 



Unless otherwise expressly stated, all amounts payable through your use of the App are  expressed to be inclusive of GST. For these purposes, the term "GST" has the meaning  given to it in the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 (Cth). 

Payment methods 

Payment for orders placed through this site may be made by credit card (Visa or MasterCard  only) processed online using a secure third party payment gateway. 


Third party payment gateways 

The Company may use one or more third-party payment gateways to facilitate secure online  payment transactions. Payments made through such payment gateways are subject to the  terms and conditions and privacy policy of the relevant third-party providers. Unless you  expressly consent otherwise, we do not see or have access to any personal information that  you may provide to such third party payment gateway providers, other than information that is required in order to process your order and deliver your purchased items to you (e.g. your  name, email address and billing address). 

Credit and debit card payments 

Only VISA and MasterCard are accepted. Please note that we may be unable to accept  credit cards issued by banks outside of Australia in some cases. The Company does not  charge additional transaction fees for paying by credit card. 

Refunds and other remedies 

Except as expressly provided otherwise in these Terms and Conditions, all amounts paid  through this site are non-refundable. Further information on the steps that the Company will  take to remedy any breach of any non-excludable condition or warranty/guarantee is  provided under the heading "Remedies limited" in these Terms and Conditions below. 


While our third party payment gateway and website hosting providers employ secure  technology for transactions with our customers, we will not be responsible for any damages,  including consequential losses (whether direct or indirect), that may be suffered by a  customer whose credit or debit card or bank account information is used in a fraudulent or  unauthorised manner by any person other than the Company. 

The Company may request further information from you, such as a copy of your credit card  and/or other identification documentation, as part of our internal validation procedures. These  procedures help protect bank and credit card account holders from online fraud. Until your  order has passed our internal fraud prevention checks, your order will remain on pending  status. If further information is requested and you do not provide the requested information  within such time as the Company considers appropriate at its discretion, your order will be  cancelled and, if your payment has been received, it will be refunded back to you. 




这些使用条款适用于应用程序(“应用程序”),由 M1M Media Pty Ltd 以“91UBER”(ABN 68 648 123 639)(“我们”或“公司”)拥有和运营, 可在 下载,其中包括所有文件、数据、代码、软件和信息。


在使用应用程序之前,请花时间仔细阅读这些使用条款。 通过使用该应用程序,您确认您有足够的机会阅读并同意这些使用条款。






如果您未满 18 岁,则不能使用该应用程序。通过使用该应用程序,您向公司声明并保证您已年满 18 岁并且在法律上能够接受这些使用条款。


















• 猩红联盟 –

• 红色文件 –

• RhED –

• 性工作者外展项目 –



您不得从事任何违反有关奴役或人口贩运的任何国家或国际法律的行为。如果您发现或怀疑与该应用程序有任何关联的任何奴役或人口贩运,您必须尽快通知公司。如果您是性交易的受害者或认识某人,您必须通过电话 131 247 联系澳大利亚联邦警察或通过 发送电子邮件至 NOSCC


• 该人似乎正在偿还其雇主或第三方的巨额债务; • 此人没有由雇主或第三方持有的护照或旅行/身份证明文件,并且此人无法在他们希望的情况下访问这些文件;

• 该人没有或不理解他们的劳动或雇佣合同/协议;

• 该人无法随时终止其雇佣关系;

• 该人很少或从不因非工作原因离开住所; • 该人居住在其工作地点或雇主拥有或控制的其他地方;或者

• 该人工作时间过长,休息日很少(如果有的话)。




• 如果这样做会违反您的工作权利或您的澳大利亚签证条件,则不从事工作;

• 向地方当局登记(如适用);

• 广告要求(如适用);和

• 如果适用,不从事性工作。


使用条件 – 服务提供商





• 澳大利亚或国际护照;

• 澳大利亚驾照或学习许可证;

• 外国驾照(如果是英文);

• 您所在州的航海执照;

• Keypass 卡或其他可接受的年龄证明卡。

该身份证件必须证明您至少年满 18 岁,并且您的姓名必须清楚地写在身份证件上。




您知悉并同意,本公司不能阻止您的图像被用户和/或第三方下载、保存、操纵或以其他方式保留和/或篡改。如果您认为您的知识产权在应用程序上被恶意使用,请发送电子邮件至 与我们联系,我们将努力尽快删除此类内容。






• 您何时、何地以及是否选择应用程序来推广您的陪伴服务;

• 随时提供陪伴服务或从事您认为合适的任何服务、职业、业务或工作,包括竞争对手的业务,包括在使用应用程序时;

• 由您自行决定接受或拒绝客户的任何介绍邀请,且不会产生任何后果;

• 如果取消时间晚于计划介绍时间的 1 小时,则选择取消您认为合适的介绍而不会有任何后果; • 选择在任何时间取消介绍,包括在计划介绍时间的 1 小时内,除您的押金损失 50 美元外没有任何后果(请参阅下面的“押金”);

• 您有责任组织自己的税收和保险安排; • 您有责任提供自己的设备,例如交通工具和手机;

• 您有责任确保您持有适用于您所在司法管辖区的相关注册和/或许可。



在应用程序上注册帐户后,您需要先存入 100 澳元,然后才能在应用程序上发布您的个人资料以供公众查看。您的存款中剩余的任何资金将在注销您的帐户时退还给您。如果您的存款余额低于 100 澳元,您将无法使用该应用程序的某些功能。

您同意,如果您在约定的介绍时间后 1 小时内取消介绍,或者您未能在约定的介绍时间后 15 分钟内提供您的具体介绍地址,则公司可以从您的押金中扣除 50 澳元。如果您在此时间范围之外取消,则不收取任何费用。没有其他情况会扣除您的押金。


使用条件 – 客户








• 澳大利亚或国际护照;

• 澳大利亚驾照或学习许可证;

• 外国驾照(如果是英文);

• 您所在州的航海许可证;

• Keypass 卡。

该身份证件必须证明您至少年满 18 岁,并且您的姓名必须清楚地写在身份证件上。





使用限制 – 客户和服务提供商




• 您不拥有;

• 冒充他人或伪造属性;

• 误导您的身份或属性,包括过时或不准确的照片;

• 非法,或会导致您或应用程序违反任何法律或法规; • 可能被视为冒犯、淫秽、贬低、诽谤、威胁、辱骂、歧视、保密或公司认为和自行决定以任何方式不恰当;

• 未经授权的广告,包括宣传传销、加密货币、连锁信、商业信息、推荐链接或其他类似计划或宣传材料;

• 侵犯知识产权或任何人的权利;或者

• 如果您在被介绍给客户后打算提供性工作,则不符合当地的性工作广告法规。





• 使用任何干扰或试图干扰应用程序正常运行的设备、程序或软件;

• 参与任何需要或可能需要对我们的基础设施造成不合理或过大负载的行动;

• 使用应用程序破解密码或安全加密代码,传播任何蠕虫、病毒或特洛伊木马,传输或存储非法、威胁或淫秽材料或以其他方式破坏任何计算机网络的安全;

• 使用应用程序违反任何适用的当地、州、国家或国际法律,从事任何误导性或欺骗性的在线营销行为或用于任何欺诈或恶意目的;

• 使用任何蜘蛛、机器人或搜索/检索应用程序或任何屏幕抓取、数据挖掘或类似的数据收集设备、过程、程序或手段来访问、检索或索引应用程序的任何部分;

• 通过任何自动化方式使用应用程序;

• 使用应用程序传输垃圾邮件、垃圾邮件或连锁信或传销或从事其他泛滥技术或大量分发未经请求的电子邮件; • 访问、检索或索引应用程序的任何部分,以用于构建或填充任何可在线搜索的数据库或用于征求或共享评论的目的;

• 干扰出现在应用程序上或与应用程序相关的任何广告的显示;

• 对应用程序中包含的任何材料进行反向工程、反编译、反汇编、改编、修改、翻译、框架或重新格式化;

• 复制、复制、复制或存储应用程序上出现的任何材料,但用于您自己的个人和非商业用途;


• 做任何导致或可能导致公司在应用程序中的知识产权价值下降的事情;

• 为任何企业或企业(无论是为了盈利还是其他目的)使用或利用出现在应用程序上的任何材料,或与之相关的任何材料,包括与应用程序竞争的任何企业或企业;

• 未经公司事先书面同意,向公众发布与公司有关的任何新闻稿、广告材料、宣传材料或任何其他形式的宣传或信息;或者

• 使用应用程序传输任何信息或材料,这些信息或材料是或可能被合理地认为是:

- 以任何方式辱骂、威胁、骚扰、有害、淫秽、不雅、下流、煽动性、暴力、粗俗、亵渎、种族、民族或其他令人反感或冒犯的内容;

− 诽谤、诽谤、非法或抄袭;

− 侵犯或违反任何版权、商标、专利或其他知识产权或专有权利;

- 违反任何对您有约束力的保密义务,无论是通过信托关系还是合同关系;

- 侵犯任何人的隐私权或公开权;

- 虚假陈述事实,包括冒充任何个人或实体或虚假陈述与任何个人或实体的从属关系(包括任何赞助或背书);

- 违反任何适用的法律、法规、条例或法规,或鼓励他人这样做;

- 包含任何政治竞选材料、广告或招揽;或

- 可能使公司或其任何员工名誉扫地。


禁止地区 - 昆士兰





• 在以下情况下暂时或无限期暂停或终止您对应用程序的访问:

- 您违反了这些使用条款的任何规定;

− 公司无法验证或验证您提供给我们的任何信息;或者

− 本公司认为您的行为可能对本公司、其任何用户或任何其他人造成损害和/或法律责任;和

• 删除或阻止访问公司全权酌情决定以任何方式反对或违反任何适用法律、任何人的知识产权的任何信息和/或材料(全部或部分)或这些使用条款。



您就任何损失、责任、成本、费用或损害(包括各种实际、特殊、间接和后果性的损失或损害)向公司及其管理人员、员工、代理人、顾问、许可人、合作伙伴和关联公司作出赔偿并使其免受损害和性质,包括所有律师 - 客户基础上的法律费用)他们中的任何人因(直接或间接)、产生或以任何方式相关而遭受或招致:

• 您通过应用程序提交、发布、传输或以其他方式提供的任何材料或信息;

• 您对应用程序的使用或连接;或者

• 您的疏忽或不当行为、违反这些使用条款或违反任何法律或任何人的权利。















• 有效的电子邮件地址;

• 准确的账单和联系信息;和

• 公司在注册过程中可能需要的任何其他信息。













如果服务提供商的存款余额至少为 100.00 澳元,他们可以在应用程序上安排一个在线时间段,届时他们的个人资料将公开可用。在他们的资料中,服务提供商可以显示他们为介绍收取的价格(“介绍费”)。












预订完成后,将从客户账户中扣除相当于介绍费 10% 的维护费。同时,将从服务提供商的押金中冻结 50 美元。

“外卖”(outcall)服务费 – 额外费用

如果预订是上门服务,则将收取额外的 10% 上门服务费,并记入服务提供商的介绍费。


服务提供商的安全对我们来说很重要,因此在电话预订中,除非必要,否则不会显示地址。相反,客户端会收到一个大概的位置。到达大概位置后,客户端按下应用程序上的“我到了”按钮,该应用程序向服务提供商发送通知,要求提供准确的来电地址。然后,服务提供商可以单击“确认”按钮发送准确的地址。如果服务提供者未能在 15 分钟内发送准确位置,预订将被视为已被服务提供者取消。


服务提供商可以随时取消预订。如果发生这种情况至少提前 1 小时通知,则不会产生任何后果。如果服务提供商在预订时间后 1 小时内取消预订,将从服务提供商的押金中扣除 50 美元。









• 任何此类内容是或可能被合理地认为是辱骂、骚扰、有害、淫秽、不雅、煽动性、暴力、亵渎、种族、民族或其他令人反感的、诽谤、诽谤、欺骗、非法或剽窃的内容;

• 用户提供的任何信息(包括意见、想法、建议、评论、观察、文本、照片、视频、数据、音乐、声音、聊天消息、文件或任何其他材料);和/或

• 因您与其他用户的任何交易而导致的任何损失或损害。





• 检查用户通过应用程序提供或提供的任何材料或信息的真实性或时效性;

• 控制、认可、批准或向您保证应用程序上提及的任何用户的任何商品或服务的适销性或适用于任何特定目的;

• 认可或推荐任何用户,包括公司向您提供或通过应用程序为您所知的相关用户的详细信息。



• 陪伴服务的提供者,或陪伴服务的补偿;和

• 全权负责向您提供这些服务以及这些服务本身。




除非另有明确说明,否则通过您使用该应用程序支付的所有金额均表示包含 GST。出于这些目的,“GST”一词具有 1999 年新税制(商品和服务税)法案(联邦)中赋予它的含义。


可以通过使用安全的第三方支付网关在线处理的信用卡(仅限 Visa 或 MasterCard)支付通过本网站下达的订单。




仅接受 VISA 和 MasterCard。请注意,在某些情况下,我们可能无法接受澳大利亚境外银行发行的信用卡。








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